Postmortem Devlog: Pika

hi everyone (^w^)/

I joined a week late due to a sickness in this 2 week game progress, so that definitely hindered my process of working on it  however I was still able to add my share of the work in I worked on the audio of the game which was a interesting experience to say the least. now what I'm most proud of in this experience of work is sprite artwork and design even though I personally didn't work on them I'm still proud of them they look amazing 

now some of you might ask on how this game development process has changed over time truth be told I have no idea, like I stated earlier I was sick so I couldn't see the whole process of development and changes the main coder will give that information easier then I can. 

but I still learned a few things mostly on how the audio worked or to be specific how to code it properly screwed up walking audio to make it play every frame so that was fun now what could've I done in this game is first of all not be sick and 2nd of all try to help with enemy production/chase scene that was originally gonna be implemented but couldn't due to time constraints which sucks cause the design was really cool working on a 1 week time process was difficult but I was able to make it work 

now my advice to people participating in a game jam go into it with a plan and have fun that's the advice I can give you

anyway that's all for me have a good day or night everyone.

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12 days ago

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