The End is Here

Hey Chat! This is Otter Productions back with a 3-way postmortem for each member that worked on this project!

This project was really interesting and I'm so glad that I got the chance to work on it.

  • What were the biggest challenges you faced during development?

Mainly just working together with a team

  • How did you solve them?

I communicated with my team

  • What are you most proud of in your game?

The sprites and lighting

  • How was the final project different from what you imagined 2 weeks ago?

Looks a lot better than I imagined

  • What did you learn from this game jam?

How to import URP and how to 

  • If you could do the jam again, what would you do differently?

Focus more on making the theme and limitation more evident

  • How did working under a time limit affect your development process?

Felt like it made me work faster and harder than I normally would've

  • What advice would you give to someone participating in a game jam for the first time?

Make sure you plan before hand

This Project was an amazing experience and I hope to see you all in the future soon!

-Otter Productions

Get Rotted Mimicry

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