Welcome to Beanyphis

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 This is a game called Beanyphis! I was recently deep in thought about classic games and the game "Donkey Kong" came up, except not the original, "Donkey Kong Country". Beanyphis is all about a Bean that got all his Banana's stolen by Crates, You play as Beanyphus who goes around picking up barrels and throwing them at Crates whilst platforming across an unusual environment that includes floating platforms, traps, and more!

What I've got so far:

  • Left and Right Movement
  • Jumping
  • Barrel Pushing

What's next:

  • Beanyphis Model
  • Being able to pick up the barrels
  • Being able to throw the barrels
  • Beanyphis Model Animations
  • Crate Enemy Model
  • Crate Enemy Movement

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